Seniors Only: 11 Simple Ways to Lose Weight in No-Time

If you’re a senior struggling to lose weight, you’re at the right place!

I wasn’t one of the lucky teenagers who could just eat anything they wanted and have the body of a goddess. I always had a few pounds extra, but I learned to embrace myself and treat exercise and eating healthy as a form of self-care rather than punishment. Thanks to this, I managed to get into the best shape of my life and maintain it.

However, after I turned 55, I noticed that I needed to put more effort into my physical appearance so I could look and feel incredible. Since I’ve worked out for as long as I can remember, it’s not very difficult for me to keep track of a health and wellness routine, but I do admit that is harder now. I have to take care of my grandkids from time to time; I work; I have to do chores around the house; and moving my body and eating healthy aren’t always possible.

If you want to lose weight but notice that it’s not as simple as it used to be when you were younger, I have some tips for you. I’ve tested them for many years, and while they’re not revolutionary, combining them is going to help you reach your goals. Whether you want to lose weight, tone up, have more energy, or adopt a healthier lifestyle, this article is for you. Let’s get this health party started!

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Photo by SeventyFour from

1. Sit less and move your body more

You probably know this already, but if you want to lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. I’m not a fan of counting calories and weighing my food intake, but you can do that if you want because it’s going to be helpful in your journey.

However, if that’s not your cup of tea, don’t worry, because you can always lose weight by simply moving your body more and sitting less.

I know you’re tired and you might want to be lazy on the couch and watch a movie rather than picking up your weights to do a few bicep curls or going out for a walk, but little things make a huge difference.

Your muscles get tired and lazy when you sit too much, so moving your body and doing a few stretches every hour, even if it’s just for a minute or two, will make you feel better, and clearer, and help you lose weight in the long run.

Walks, TV shows, and weights

One of the easiest ways to move your body and still do everything you want is to take your special someone for a walk after dinner, so you can oxygenate your mind, get your steps in, and have a moment for yourself.

The more steps you have, the better it will be because it keeps your heart rate up without causing you joint problems and is one of the best cardio movements you can do.

Other than that, I recommend you invest in some good-quality and affordable weights, such as those from Amazon, and do a couple of bicep curls, lunges, squats, arm raises, and shoulder presses each day.

You can perform these exercises while you’re watching your favorite TV show or during a commercial. You’ll feel a lot better, you’ll lose weight, and you’ll be happier! Give it a try!

2. Cook at home

If you want to lose weight healthily, you have to put those cooking skills to the test. Researchers discovered that people who eat at home are more likely to stick to a healthy diet than those who always eat out.

Besides being a good activity to wind down and spend time with your family, cooking is great because you can control what you put in your food. You can experiment with different ingredients, spices, and recipes, and you can obtain a heavenly meal.

If you don’t have a lot of time to cook, say no more, because I’ve got you. Start by cooking a large batch of protein, such as chicken, and a side, like rice and grilled veggies.

You can mix and match the foods to create new meals, such as a warm salad with veggies, chicken, and greens, a rice bowl with chicken, soy sauce, cheese crumbles, and sriracha, a rice pudding with vanilla, a chicken sandwich, or pasta, and so many other things.

Meal prepping comes in handy when you want to lose weight, but you have to make sure that you can create multiple combinations with the things you prepare so that you don’t get bored and you can stick to your eating habits.

And the best part? You’ll save a lot of money!

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Photo by artem evdokimov from

3. Eat more protein

Did you know that you have to consume more protein if you want to lose weight and keep your muscles?

Getting enough protein in your diet is going to help you feel satiated for longer, which means that you won’t be thinking about snacks for a while. What’s interesting about this topic is that researchers discovered that the older you get, the fewer muscles you have.

You can reverse this effect by adding more high-quality protein to your diet, such as lean meats, fish, beans, chickpeas, tempeh, tofu, and protein powders, and also by performing strength training exercises (we will talk more about that later).

And here’s another factor that is important if you want to lose weight: the more muscles you have in your body, the more calories you burn while resting. Yes, that’s true. You can burn calories even while watching TV, so make sure you don’t neglect building your muscles.

And if you’re a woman who’s afraid to consume protein or do strength training because you’re afraid of getting bulky, here’s the thing: you won’t get it. Women don’t have enough testosterone, so they can have huge muscles like men do.

Doing regular strength training exercises and getting the right amount of protein for your body is going to help you stay fit and strong and build those gorgeous curves.

4. Consume more produce

Let’s continue with these tips on how to lose weight healthily and sustainably. So the next time you go grocery shopping, make sure you get lots of fruits and veggies because they’re low in calories but high in vitamins and minerals, which will help your body shed pounds, your skin get glowy and smooth, and your hair be shiny and pretty.

Besides the amazing health benefits you get from eating more produce, fruits and veggies are also budget-friendly and can be used in several nutritious and delicious meals, like soups, desserts, side dishes, stews, sandwiches, salads, and so many other things.

5. Cut down on convenience foods

I know that days can get busy, you don’t have time to put together a meal, and you might be tempted to rely on processed foods like junk food, candy, and snacks, but that’s going to sabotage all of your efforts to lose weight.

While there’s nothing wrong with indulging every once in a while, always relying on convenience food isn’t going to do you any good. They’re high in calories, sugar, and salt and don’t contain that much fiber, minerals, vitamins, or protein.

Nutritionists refer to them as “empty calories” because they don’t contain anything healthy but only processed things that will make you feel tired, bloated, cranky, and lethargic.

Moreover, you might notice that you’ll feel hungry after a short while, and since the taste of these convenience foods is good, the more you consume them, the more you’ll want to eat them.

6. Ditch Starbucks

Are you a big Starbucks fan? This article is your sign to quit this habit. While the coffees there are delicious and creamy, they’re full of sugar and processed ingredients.

Believe it or not, a Starbucks drink can even have 600 calories and 60 grams of sugar. And if you drink a beverage like this and top it with a dessert or a piece of candy, you can say goodbye to those weight-loss goals.

Don’t get me wrong, you can still enjoy a sugary drink because it tastes delicious, but always drinking coffee with whipped cream, artificial flavors, and lots of milk isn’t going to help you lose weight.

You can treat yourself to a cup of coffee at home, and if you don’t like to drink it black or with a splash or with regular or vegan milk, you can put a teaspoon of coconut cream in it. It’s rich, creamy, and sweet, and it will add some healthy fats to your coffee so you can nourish your body a little more (it helps your brain, muscles, skin, hair, and nails too).

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Photo by Lordn from

7. Try strength training

We’ve already touched on the subject of strength training in this article, but it’s time to get more in-depth with it so you can understand how and why it helps you lose weight.

Even though cardio is one of the most efficient ways to lose weight and get rid of fat, strength training is very important, especially for seniors, who are more likely to decrease in muscle mass as they age.

Experts say that after the age of 50, seniors can experience a decrease of 1-2% in muscle mass per year and a strength decline at a rate of 1.5–5% per year.

The changes are drastic, especially considering that you still need to have strong muscles to support your body, to do your daily tasks, and to take care of your grandchildren.

However, you can reverse this effect and keep your muscles strong and toned with the help of strength training. You can use the weights I told you about later and do exercises with them (there are lots of videos on YouTube), or you can do squats, push-ups, planks, or tricep dips with your body weight.

What’s interesting about strength training is that it also helps you boost your metabolism, thanks to the fact that you support and build lean muscles, which will help lower your body fat and help you burn more calories throughout the day. So if you want to lose weight, make sure you don’t neglect your exercise.

8. Don’t eat at night

Do you have a habit of eating late at night? If you want to lose weight, this is the perfect time to stop doing it. According to studies, people who consume a lot of calories at night have a harder time with their weight loss process compared to others.

Nutritionists say that if you want to lose weight, you have to consume the majority of your calories before dinner, so your body has time to consume them for your daily activities and keep your dinners light.

Moreover, another reason you shouldn’t have a huge dinner or a midnight snack is because you put pressure on your digestive system, which will therefore affect your night’s sleep.

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9. Don’t starve or deprive yourself

This is a very important one, and you should pay attention to this tip. When people want to lose weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle, they’re very motivated at first, even if they crave something unhealthy, such as sweets or salty things.

If you avoid your cravings and try to compensate with something else, but your craving is still there, you might be tempted to keep eating and eating until you no longer resist the temptation and you indulge in what you originally wanted.

This isn’t a healthy approach because you end up eating more calories than you would’ve if you just ate what you wanted.

Other than that, you shouldn’t starve yourself just to lose weight, because you’re going to suffer from the yo-yo effect. For instance, if you put off breakfast or lunch for a couple of hours when it will finally be time to eat, you’re more likely to consume more calories than you would normally need.

You might lose weight if you starve yourself for multiple days or even weeks, but the moment you start eating more, those pounds will quickly add on, and you risk gaining even more weight than you’ve lost. That’s the yo-yo effect, and it can be pretty hard to get rid of it.

10. Pay attention to your sleep

Another easy way to lose weight is to be mindful of your night’s sleep. Many studies have found that not getting enough sleep raises the risk of obesity and can impact your desire to shed pounds.

You can’t lose weight if you don’t have a proper sleeping schedule, and that’s because your body doesn’t have time to heal itself, repair itself, and rejuvenate.

When you don’t sleep enough, you might be tempted to eat more so you can stay alert and complete your daily tasks, but that’s not all. Researchers discovered that people who sleep less than 6 hours per night can suffer from mental health issues, obesity, chronic health conditions, and metabolic disorders. Make sure you give your body plenty of rest, so you can feel good, have energy, and be in a fantastic mood all day!

11. Hydrate your body

You already know that our bodies are mainly made of water, and we need lots of it to be healthy, strong, and feel good. Your body needs the proper liquids to keep your skin plump and juicy, your hair strong and shiny, your skin clear, and your energy levels high, which also helps you lose weight.

However, if you only drink sugary beverages available in supermarkets or shops, such as soda, fruit juices, sports drinks, and pre-made smoothies, you might not reach your goals.

Nutritionists say that if you constantly indulge in beverages that are sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, you’re more likely to gain weight and suffer from health conditions such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and fatty liver disease.

For best results, it’s recommended to stick to water and herbal tea, such as green and black tea, turmeric or ginger tea, and camomille tea, but make sure you don’t put sugar in them. If you crave something sweet that will also help you lose weight and debloat, I recommend you start making infused water.

Just take your favorite fruits and combine them with water. Allow the mixture to sit for a while, and then drink it up. One of my favorite recipes is mint leaves, lemon or lime, cucumbers, ginger, and some blackberries if I’m feeling fancy. This drink tastes divine, like spa water; it helps me feel refreshed and hydrated, and it flushes out toxins.

Do you know any other tips on how to lose weight fast and easily? Leave them in the comments below! If you liked reading this article and you want to check out something else from Golden Years Bliss, here’s an amazing post for you: 8 Vitamins and Minerals Scientists Recommend for Longevity

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