Did you know that yoga can change your life and help you with your mobility?
“Forever young, I wanna be forever young!” goes the lyrics of that famous song from Alphaville, which makes us nostalgic whenever we listen to it. Unfortunately, we can’t make our youth last forever, but we can certainly do a couple of things to keep our bodies in shape for as long as possible.
It has been proven that seniors who exercise regularly will feel more energized and be able to better manage the pains and discomforts associated with aging. This results in a more self-sufficient existence where you feel your best and stay secure.
Are you not exactly the biggest fan of working out? Trust me, you’re going to love and embrace yoga from the first session. I was like that too, but now, after two years, I gotta say that this was the best decision of my life. Let’s find out together why yoga can change your life as a senior:
1. Less stress
I can’t stress enough how much yoga can change your life and how happy I am that I decided to pick up this healthy hobby! And because I care about my readers and I want to give them the best advice possible, I will start with the first benefit of practicing yoga, which is reducing stress. Who doesn’t want a life without stress? Sounds dreamy, right?
Because yoga is often done in a peaceful atmosphere, it can help reduce tension and even stop the body’s fight-or-flight reaction. Yoga is a soothing method for releasing the stress you’re carrying around in your body, particularly in your upper back and shoulders. It has been shown to help reduce some of the stressors that cause hypertension, which reduces the amount of daily medication required. Additionally, yoga eases anxiety by reducing blood pressure, heart rate, and difficulty breathing.
If you go deeper into the subject of how yoga can change your life, you will see that many doctors also recommend it because the slow breathing method you learn at yoga classes helps seniors who suffer from dementia feel more at peace with themselves.
2. Better sleep during the night
Having trouble sleeping is a common issue among the elderly, and it can make other medical disorders worse. Seniors who practice yoga may be able to fall asleep faster and have better-quality sleep all through the night. Four out of five seniors reported that yoga helped them sleep better and deeper than before and wake up with more energy to start a new day. One study found that yoga is more helpful than herbal sleep cures or even melatonin pills.
3. Yoga helps reduce aches and pains
Even if you’re not in your twenties anymore and your body isn’t that flexible anymore, yoga can help you regain the mobility you need and also help you reduce the pains and aches of aging. Yoga is recommended by the doctors for people who suffer from Osteoarthritis. These discomforts can be relieved by some yoga stretches and poses. Additionally, yoga reduces stress, which can exacerbate pain and inflammation in seniors.
In one research, those who practiced yoga for four weeks needed fewer medications. That’s definitely awesome!
Are you ready to jumpstart a new lifestyle and embrace working out for good? That’s awesome, but before enrolling in a yoga class, get ready by buying this yoga beginner kit that contains a non-slip yoga mat, a cooling towel, and a cute blue yoga ball.
This kit is available on Amazon for only $59.99. I know this must be a financial effort for many of you, but trust me when I say that yoga can change your life, and in the long run, you will be happy you bought it!
4. Say goodbye to depression if you start practicing yoga
Back in 2021, I went through a tragic experience that led to many mood changes, and I was on the edge of being diagnosed with depression. My doctor recommended that I start practicing a sport, and because I wasn’t necessarily into jumping and cardio, I searched on the internet for suitable workout types for seniors. Of course, I started reading about yoga and its benefits, and that convinced me to try it out, so I signed up for a couple of online courses.
I can’t tell you how content I was with my life after exactly ten yoga sessions. Besides being a great mood booster, it also helped me with my back pain and my tensed shoulders. Did I mention that during these classes I met a lot of nice seniors who afterward became some of my closest friends?
If you don’t take my words for good, why don’t you see for yourself, and then we talk in the comments section?
5. Decreased blood pressure
If you have trouble with high blood pressure, yoga can change your life because, according to various studies, it has helped many patients decrease their blood pressure right after their first class.
Furthermore, yoga will also help you keep coronary heart disease, stroke, and other chronic health issues at bay. And the good news is that you don’t have to force yourself to work out more than 30 or 45 minutes a day. This is the minimum amount recommended by the doctors; if you can do more than that, feel free to!
6. Diabetes symptoms
If you are dealing with type 2 diabetes, you will be happy to know that yoga can change your life and help you manage your condition. You will notice that yoga instructors will kindly explain the health benefits of these physical exercises.
Stress improves glucose and cholesterol levels by massaging the inside organs and has an impact on insulin production. Since yoga is known as a stress reliever, it will also help maintain a healthy insulin level.
7. Enhances strength, mobility, balance and flexibility
As we age, it becomes harder and harder to keep our balance. But this is nothing that yoga can’t help; even the simplest yoga positions help reduce the risk of falling and can straighten muscles. If you decide to enroll in yoga classes, make sure you discuss your health conditions with the yoga trainer, so they’ll recommend the best program according to your needs and expectations.
In my case, because I used to have stiff knees, yoga helped me regain my strength. Besides being able to keep my balance, thanks to yoga positions, I also developed more mobility and flexibility. Who knew I would be able to become a ballerina? Haha!
8. Yoga can help you improve your mental health and self-awareness
Last but not least, one of the things I love about yoga is that, besides helping you with physical health and mobility, it can also help you feel better about yourself, be more present, and be happy in your skin!
Managing stress and meditation can work for seniors who are starting to show signs of dementia, are going into nursing homes, or are simply getting used to modifying their daily routines as they dive deeper into their golden years. In a yoga class, you will learn to become conscious of your thoughts and feelings, and trust me when I say it’s wonderful!
I recommended yoga to all my friends that’s why I am recommending it to you too!
If the article on how yoga can change your life has inspired you to change your attitude towards exercising and its benefits, you may find this article equally interesting. Protect Your Eyes From Aging: 7 Habits to Maintain Good Eyesight.